Wednesday, June 19, 2013


"How fortunate we are to have friends that are so hard to say goodbye to"

It was the last day of packing for the movers, the day we signed papers to purchase our home in Arkansas and the day we said goodbye to dear friends and family.  It was an emotional day, to say the least.  We tried to say "see you soon" but many times the words got stuck in our throats.  We let ourselves feel the loss of close friendships for today in the hopes that we can look ahead to tomorrow.

As we began our journey, we needed "road fuel":

 Don't worry, in addition to the $55 in candy, chips and pop, we purchased a banana :)

Our first stop for the road trip was one of our favorite restaurants, Arctic Circle.  For those of you who do not know, Steve and I met while working at Arctic Circle many years ago.

To end our day, we got to walk on the beach and watch a beautiful sunset.  One of my favorite places on earth, Newport.

1 comment:

  1. Very sad to see you guys go but hope that you have a wonderful new future in Arkansas. I'm glad that you started this blog so we can take this journey with you so to speak. :)
